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How To Control Anxiety

By Mosh
Treat Mental Health
5 min read
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Key Takeaways

Managing anxiety is an ongoing process, and it may take time to find the strategies that work best for you. It's important to be patient with yourself and seek professional help if needed.

Although anxiety disorders are less visible than conditions like depression, schizophrenia, or bipolar disorder, they can be just as debilitating. In fact, they’re among the most prevalent mental health conditions, so it’s not hard to see why many look for ways on how to control anxiety.[1]

A study shows that anxiety disorders can be controlled or treated with psychotherapy, medications, or a combination of both, depending on an individual’s needs. Counselling, practising anxiety-confronting exercises, and using self-help manuals are also effective coping strategies for anxiety.[2] A doctor can recommend the appropriate treatment solutions for you if you want to know how to overcome anxiety

At Mosh, we understand that not everyone feels comfortable asking a doctor about how to control anxiety in a traditional clinic setting. Some people even worry that other patients in the waiting room might overhear them asking their doctor about what helps with anxiety. Because Mosh lets you connect with AHPRA-registered doctors from the comfort and privacy of your own home, you can be as open as you like about your mental health concerns, increasing your chances of getting the proper support. 

Overcoming anxiety is a continuous process for many people, and knowing what is anxiety can help you make more informed decisions throughout your journey. 

What is anxiety?

Generally, people experience stressed or anxious feelings when under pressure, but these feelings usually pass after a stressful situation. Anxiety, on the other hand, is more than just feeling stressed or worried; it’s when anxious feelings persist without a clear cause. Anxiety is a serious condition accompanied by symptoms like difficulty concentrating and sleep disturbances, making it difficult for a person to cope with daily life.[3]

Below, we’ve tackled common questions about how to control anxiety that may help you better grasp your mental health concerns.

What can I do to calm down from an anxiety attack?

A person experiencing an anxiety attack may experience lightness, dizziness, rapid breathing, sweating, and irregular heartbeats.[4] Some management strategies can help you calm down during an anxiety attack, especially if your online research about how to control anxiety or how to reduce anxiety immediately is not helping. 

The first step is acknowledging the situation; you can reduce anxiety and fear by remembering that the symptoms will pass soon. Then, try some breathing exercises to ease breathing difficulties that are common during anxiety attacks. You can also stay grounded in the present moment by practising mindfulness, which can help you cope with an anxiety attack better.[5]

Anxiety attacks usually begin with a specific trigger, such as an exam or relationship problem. It can also be a sign of anxiety disorder.[6] At Mosh, we’ll connect you with a doctor who will take the time to assess your unique mental health situation and help you identify the potential causes of your anxious feelings or anxiety attacks. You can let a Mosh doctor know about your health concern by filling up the free health quiz on our platform. 

If your situation requires it, a Mosh doctor will schedule a virtual consultation with you where they may ask further questions regarding your medical history, medication intake, lifestyle, and any other factors that can give them a better grasp of your situation. Your doctor may recommend a tailored mental health treatment plan or prescribe medications, depending on what they think best fits your needs. 

Are there foods that I should avoid if I have anxiety?

When it comes to learning how to control anxiety using natural remedies, having a healthy and balanced diet of fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and healthy fats while avoiding certain foods that may trigger anxiety can be helpful.[7] 

Keeping your blood sugar levels stable by avoiding processed and sugary foods can help reduce feelings of anxiety, especially since a sugar rush can precipitate or mimic symptoms of anxiety. Cutting back on caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine can also reduce feelings of anxiety.[8]

However, make sure to talk with your doctor before making drastic changes in what you eat; since your body will need some time to adjust, as with any dietary change, it’s ideal to have a doctor monitor your progress or reactions to the changes. 

If your Mosh doctor recommends a customised mental health treatment plan for you and you decide to push through with it, you may have ongoing consultations with your doctor. These are helpful as your doctor can monitor your progress, take note of any side effects you may be having, and adjust your treatment plan accordingly. 

Can exercise help with managing anxiety attacks?

Exploring different strategies and treatment options that may help with overcoming anxiety can improve your chances of finding an effective solution for you. Research shows that exercise can help with how to manage stress and anxiety as it can divert you from what you’re anxious about, decrease muscle tension, and activate your brain’s frontal region managing your reactions to real or imagined threats better.[9] 

Other aspects of mental health treatment besides exercise are also important. It’s good to talk to your Mosh doctor about anxiety medications, therapy, mindfulness techniques, and diets to see which ones are possible treatment options for you. Your Mosh doctor will gladly explain how to control anxiety for you to increase your chances of getting the results you want. 

It can take time to feel prepared to talk about your mental health concerns, and we completely understand. Just know that when you’re ready to address them with a doctor who cares about your wellness, Mosh is here to help you get the support you need.

A man and woman having a friendly conversation in a kitchen about mental health.

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