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How To Reduce Stress

By Mosh
Treat Mental Health
5 min read
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Key Takeaways

Stress is a natural reaction to challenges, but can become harmful when people feel unable to cope. Regular physical activity can help relieve stress and reduce the impact of chronic stress on physical and mental health. A healthy diet can also help reduce stress by developing the immune system and other body functions, allowing better reaction to stressors.

Everyone’s been there before: your shoulders are tense, your forehead is scrunched up, and the only thing on your mind is how to reduce stress. Regardless of what industry you work in or what courses you’re taking, it can be incredibly challenging to unwind and take a breather. 

However, with the thousands of websites and all the information they provide, finding what works for you can be difficult. Instead of bottling up your emotions and dealing with everything alone, why don’t you make the whole process easier by talking to professionals who can understand your specific situation? This is where the intuitive online service at Mosh comes into play. 

Gone are the days when you’d have to experiment with catch-all options and go through the guess-and-check strategy. With our AHPRA-registered doctors, you can get special care and attention no matter where you are in Australia. To our dedicated team, you’re not a client prescription or greater statistic; you’re someone who deserves a service that boasts care, respect, and compassion. 

A man and woman having a friendly conversation in a kitchen about mental health.

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What is stress?

Stress is the feeling of being under mental, physical, or emotional pressure. It is a natural reaction to challenges, but may be harmful when you feel unable to cope. People have different ways of reacting to stress. Some people may become angry, while others may become withdrawn. Some people may even develop physical symptoms of stress, such as headaches or stomach aches.[1]

How does stress work?

Stress is the body’s response to any demand for change. When we perceive a threat, our nervous system responds by releasing specific hormones. This triggers the ‘fight-or-flight’ response, which prepares us to either confront the threat or run away from it. 

The stress response is essential for survival; it helps us to react quickly to potentially dangerous situations. However, when the stress response is constantly activated, it can take a toll on our physical and mental health. Chronic stress has been linked to a variety of health problems, including high blood pressure, heart disease, depression, and anxiety.[2]

What physical activities are great for relieving stress?

Regular exercise and physical activity can help reduce stress.[3] There are many methods to reduce stress, and most of them can be done by practically anyone with a few minutes to spare. To give you a better idea, you can choose between high-intensity activities and low-intensity activities. 

High-intensity activities

  • Sprinting. Having a background in sports, you might consider sprinting as a way to reduce stress.[4]
  • Biking. Almost all physical activities will produce endorphins that decrease stress, but biking in a place with a good view can also help boost your mood.[5]
  • Dancing. Aside from working up a sweat and getting good cardio, dancing’s social aspect can help alleviate your stress as you interact with others.[6]
  • Swimming. Just like a cold shower after a long day, immersing yourself in water and swimming a few laps can be one of your preferred stress relief techniques.[7]

Low-intensity activities

  • Walking and jogging. If you want to know how to reduce stress but are still opening yourself up to fitness relief, then slow walking and jogging may be suitable beginner activities.
  • Cooking and baking. Following easy instructions and using all of your senses can help calm you down. Plus, enjoying the tasty treat you’ve made can lift up your mood.[8] 
  • Arts and crafts. Bringing out your creative side can help you find out how to reduce stress. With each stroke or scribble, you can decrease the release of stress hormones such as cortisol.[9]
  • Community games. Playing with others can facilitate conversation about interesting topics and keep your mind busy.[10]
  • Gardening. Studies have found that exposure to plants and green space can help reduce stress and improve one’s well-being. A plant room can even be an excellent space to take deep breaths.[11]

There is an extensive selection of activities to choose from. If you want to take it a step further and find what techniques are most suitable for you, you can also get medically-based tips to reduce stress by talking to our Mosh doctors. Getting advice from us has never been easier. Through our online setup, you can get feedback via video chats, phone calls, and even texts. 

Speak to us when you’re ready and benefit from our multifaceted approach.

Is eating a good way to reduce stress?

When understanding how to reduce stress, you might look to comfort food as your primary solution. But truth be told, scarfing down just whatever you’d like can contribute to the problem and counteract the stress-relieving methods you’ve been implementing. 

Aside from an increased risk for physical illnesses like obesity, heart disease, and diabetes, research has shown that a poor diet can cause a heightened feeling of stress. This often leads to other negative effects like fatigue and a decline in your general productivity levels.[12] 

On the other hand, maintaining a healthy and well-balanced diet can be good for stress. This develops your immune system and other body functions, allowing you to react better to certain circumstances and handle the stress thrown at you.

Are there supplements that help lower stress levels?

Knowing how to reduce stress entails looking at all the options available. While some may benefit from physical activities and coping advice, others would need a strategy that involves supplements and medicine. Not everyone has the same biochemistry, which means finding what works for you is essential to avoiding stress. 

Instead of self-researching on ways to beat stress, why don’t you get medical instructions from doctors who’ve extensively studied the matter? Our Mosh team will analyse your unique needs and give you only what you need. If we believe a treatment plan is necessary, then we can make arrangements and have everything sent to your home. 

After learning how to reduce stress from our Mosh doctors, you can try our convenient, no-obligation subscription service so you can have top-ups for your prescribed treatment whenever you’re running low. Don’t hesitate to contact us and allow our doctors to find the best ways to reduce stress for your specific situation

Your go-to for just about any men’s health concern.

Mosh doctors genuinely care about your well-being, and you’d be delighted to know we have a holistic strategy that takes into account not just the mind but the physical aspects of your lifestyle. On top of teaching you how to reduce stress through doctor-approved advice and activities, we can also help you in other related psychological fields. 

We have doctors who can give you more information about ‘What is depression?’ ‘What is anxiety?’ and other similar questions. What’s more, if your situation calls for it, we’ll be able to provide you with corresponding treatment plans. Interested in learning more about other men’s health concerns? Our service extends to topics involving weight loss, hair loss, skincare, and even erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation. With us, you’ll have a safe space to talk about how you’re feeling. All we want is to empower men all around Australia. Take advantage of our telehealth platform to receive medical support at any time and any place. 

12 References


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