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How To Stop An Anxiety Attack

By Mosh
Treat Mental Health
6 min read
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Key Takeaways

To stop an anxiety attack, it's crucial to understand that anxiety involves a combination of fear and worry, with anxiety disorders causing frequent and prolonged episodes. Techniques to manage anxiety attacks include slow, deep breathing to calm the body, shifting focus to positive memories or imagery, and practicing muscle relaxation to alleviate tension. Online tests provide a general idea of the situation but aren't definitive solutions. To address any concerns that you may have, it is advisable to consult with a  mental health professional to receive proper advice and treatment depending on your specific situation.

If you are someone who wants to know the answer to ‘How to stop an anxiety attack?’ and other similar questions, chances are that you are working on improving your overall well-being. In itself, seeking mental health support is a big accomplishment, so you should be proud of yourself if you have begun or are continuing this journey. 

However, with thousands of sources claiming that they have the key to relieving anxiety attack symptoms, it can be difficult to find an approach that is suitable for your specific needs. Fortunately, you do not have to search far and wide anymore, as you have just found our online telehealth platform. 

Here at Mosh, we have a team of AHPRA-registered doctors who are passionate about mental health. You can count on them to lend an open ear and guide you through meaningful dialogue and advice to help you feel happier and healthier. 

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What is anxiety?

If you want to learn how to stop an anxiety attack, it’s important to know the answer to ‘What is anxiety?’ first. Anxiety usually comes in the form of internal discomfort that can be summed up as a combination of fear and worry. 

It is normal for people to find themselves in a state of anxiety from time to time, but those who have anxiety disorders have these feelings frequently and consistently for days on end. There are also different types of anxiety (such as generalised anxiety disorder, panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, and phobias), and in more serious cases, the symptoms can hinder regular day-to-day activities.[1] 

What are some common causes of anxiety attacks?

Attacks brought about by anxiety disorders can be caused by a number of triggers. Factors that can prime the body to inappropriately activate the ‘flight-or-fight’ response include: include extended exposure to stressful situations, intense physical activity, excessive use of psychoactive substances, environmental or health changes, and hyperventilation.[2]

Additionally, anxiety attacks and panic attacks have some significant differences. Panic attacks tend to be more intense and can happen without a specific trigger. On the other hand, anxiety attacks are a response to a perceived stressor or threat.[3]

As soon as you are ready, you can reach out to our doctors at Mosh to ask more questions about how to stop an anxiety attack with methods that suit you. Not only can they provide you with scientifically-backed advice through consultations, but they will also be able to answer enquiries like ‘What helps with anxiety attacks?’ and ‘How to deal with anxiety symptoms?’ through private video conferencing, phone calls, or even text message threads. 

What does an anxiety attack feel like?

Before you learn how to stop an anxiety attack, you must first understand what it feels like and what to look out for. Some of the effects and symptoms you should take note of closely include:[4]

  • a sudden feeling of unease, almost as if you’re losing control of everything;
  • intense fear and apprehension about the situation at hand;
  • breathing difficulties and a distinct pain around the chest area;
  • excessive perspiration accompanied by palpitations or a high heart rate; and
  • nauseousness, head pounding, and a sense of confusion.

After taking a look at the list mentioned above, you may be tempted to take a depression and anxiety test to find out what you should do next. However, these online questionnaires are only there to give you a general idea of your situation. 

For answers to questions like ‘How to stop an anxiety attack?’ and personalised guidance, you should seek mental health assistance from our doctors at Mosh. Rather than settling for general methods, they can analyse your lifestyle, medical history, and other factors to come up with concrete steps that are appropriate for you. 

How do I quickly calm down an anxiety attack?

First, try to take slow, deep breaths and focus on the expansion and contraction of your diaphragm. Studies have shown that this will help slow down your heart rate, calm your body, and positively affect your emotional state.[5] 

Second, focus on something else, such as a nearby item, a positive memory, or imagery that could help you relax. Reports have suggested that those who suffer from anxiety-induced attacks can benefit from taking their mind off of the current situation.[6]

Lastly, relaxing your muscles can help relieve anxiety symptoms, especially tension throughout your body. It is recommended that you focus on contracting specific muscle groups and then slowly relaxing them. After some practice, you will become more adept at this technique.[7]

At Mosh, our doctors can share with you even more techniques on how to stop an anxiety attack based on your unique experiences and the information you share with them through consultations. If needed, they can also prescribe you a custom anxiety treatment plan after an assessment. 

Get your mental health journey on track with our telehealth service. You can even subscribe to our subscription-based plan, which can be accessed anywhere in Australia. Connect with our Mosh doctors and receive personalised coping strategies for how to calm an anxiety attack at a pace you’re comfortable with.

7 References


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