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How Many Calories Can I Have Per Day To Lose Weight?

By Mosh
Start Losing Weight
5 min read
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Key Takeaways

The common ways to lose weight include exercise, evidence-based treatments, and changing one's diet to achieve a calorie deficit, which is when an individual consumes fewer calories than the body requires to lose weight. It is important to calculate one's macro-nutrients and overall caloric intake before starting any weight loss journey, taking into account individual factors such as gender, age, weight, physical activity, medical conditions, and dietary requirements.

Are you wondering, ‘How many calories can I have per day to lose weight?’ We understand that losing weight can be difficult. You may have tried cutting calories before and ended up feeling hungry all the time, which just made things worse. 

Mosh can help answer questions like ‘How many calories can I have per day to lose weight?’ and other related concerns and determine if it’s advisable for you right now. You don’t have to worry about stressing over calorie deficits, macros, and weight loss when you have Mosh guiding you every step of the way.  

At Mosh, we want to guide you on your healthy weight loss journey. Our doctors and dietitians can review your situation and provide personalised dietary plans and advice to help you achieve your goals.  

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What are calories?

Calories are units used to measure the energy that your body gets from food and drinks.[1] In Australia, we measure how much energy we get from food and sometimes drinks in terms of kilojoules.[2] Essentially, one calorie equates to about 4.2 kilojoules, and one kilojoule is 0.2 calories.

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What are the common ways to lose weight?

What works for one person may not work for another, and vice versa; there is no universal solution to weight loss. In general, the common ways you can lose weight are through exercise, medical treatments, and dieting. There are different popular diets in Australia, but they each essentially function by placing your body into a calorie deficit. 


It is generally recommended that adults engage in physical activity of moderate intensity for 2.5 to 5 hours every week.[3] A combination of cardio and resistance or strength training would allow you to effectively lose weight and build muscle mass.

Evidence-based treatments

If our doctors find it necessary to recommend treatment options for your case, some of the medical solutions they can offer are medical weight loss treatments and meal replacement shakes. However, since there are different factors that can affect weight loss, we encourage you to consult one of our Mosh doctors so you can receive personalised, evidence-based treatment.

Food and diet

Changing your diet is another common and effective way to lose weight, but it can depend on different factors, like your age, health, and food options. But you can still positively influence how your diet affects your weight by cutting out unhealthy eating habits. Limiting sugary drinks, processed junk food, and alcohol are just some of the ways to slim down. If your doctor or dietitian recommends it, you could even follow an eating plan.

What is a calorie deficit?

A calorie deficit is when you consume fewer calories than your body requires to lose weight.[4] For example, an average adult male needs around 2,000 to 2,500 calories daily to maintain their weight. Any addition or reduction in calorie intake can generally cause weight gain or loss. To lose weight through a calorie deficit, it is suggested to cut around 500 calories a day for healthy and sustainable fat loss. This can equate to losing around 0.23 to 0.45 kilograms of weight per week, but it ultimately depends on your body.[5]

Although this is considered the general recommendation for caloric deficit-based weight loss, the number of calories that you can safely and sustainably lose each day will vary based on several factors, including but not limited to:

  • your gender;
  • your age;
  • your current weight and the weight you want to achieve;
  • your physical activity;
  • your medical conditions; and
  • your dietary requirements. 

If you’re asking yourself, ‘How many calories can I have per day to lose weight safely and sustainably?’, we encourage you to consult your doctor or dietitian as soon as possible. 

However, according to research, it is important to understand that while caloric deficits may influence your weight in the short term, they don’t significantly impact it over long periods.[6] Excessive caloric deficits could negatively impact your weight loss and may cause you to gain weight as they slow down your base metabolic rate to compensate for lost calories.  

You shouldn’t have to jump into your weight loss journey blindly. With Mosh, our health platform can connect you to a network of AHPRA-registered doctors that can understand your needs and help you achieve the results that you desire without compromising your well-being. 

With the help of a short quiz, our Mosh doctors can assess what’s best for your body using science-backed evidence to help you get on the right track. If necessary, you may also be recommended individualised treatment to support you on your weight loss journey. 

Learn more about how to lose weight quickly and how to exercise to lose weight to get started on your weight loss journey. 

How do I calculate my macros and calories?

Before you can answer queries like ‘How many calories can I have per day to lose weight?’, you have to learn how to calculate your macro-nutrients and overall caloric intake. This is done by tracking the quantity of food and drinks you consume and the types of foods that you eat—as well as the food’s caloric value.[7] Consistently counting calories and macros is one of the most effective ways for you to keep track of your weight as you work towards your goals.

Usually, there are a lot of applications that can assist you in counting your macros so that you don’t have to worry about the details. These apps typically follow these steps when counting your macro nutrients:

  1. Inputting your weight, gender, height, age, and target weight. 
  2. Determine how many calories you have to eat each day to either gain, maintain, or lose weight.
  3. Find the ideal ratio of macro nutrients that you want to consume each day. It is recommended to ratio your macro nutrients as the following:

    - carbohydrates: 45 to 65 per cent of total calories;
    - fats: 20 to 35 per cent of total calories; and
    - protein: 10 to 35 per cent of total calories.
  4. Multiply your total daily caloric requirement by the percentages of macros that you’ve selected.
  5. Divide your calorie amounts by their calorie-per-gram number.

This would typically help you create a consistent and objectively balanced diet, which may help put you on the right track to losing weight. Moreover, it is advisable to adjust these ratios according to your specific dietary requirements, weight goals, gender, age, and physical activity – so that you’d know the answer to questions like ‘How many calories can I have per day to lose weight?’ 

Since each person has their own unique body, including yourself, it is important to consult with your doctor or dietitian to help you assess what the ideal way is for you to achieve the results that you want. 

Mosh can help you develop consistent and sustainable eating habits that take into account all the necessary nutrients and dietary restrictions you may have. Moreover, if you are ever recommended one of our products, then you don’t have to worry about sticking to it with our subscription service – we will make sure you stay on track. 

Of course, you don’t have to accept any of our recommendations or treatments if you don’t think they’ll fit with the goals you have in mind. We will not force you to accept anything. Mosh will still support you in other ways to ensure you achieve your goals. 

What is the average daily calorie requirement?

The average daily calorie requirement for adults is around 2,079 calories, or 8,700 kilojoules per day.[8] Calorie requirements can vary greatly from person to person, and there are several factors that can impact how many calories you need to consume each day to maintain your weight. These usually include:

  • your physical activity;
  • your muscle mass;
  • whether you are growing; and
  • your age, gender, height, and weight.

Essentially, you would need to consume fewer calories per day if you’re elderly, a woman, or short compared to people who are young, male, tall, and muscular. Moreover, if you’re either a child or an adolescent, then you need to consume more calories to continue to grow.

Your calorie requirement may also be affected by medical conditions and dietary options based on where you live. You might not know how to plan a diet to lose weight, but Mosh can help you get started and help you understand the answer to questions such as ‘How many calories can I have per day to lose weight?’

Live confidently every day — the Mosh way

As much as weight loss is a daily commitment, it is also a life-long commitment to being healthier and developing sustainable habits. It doesn’t have to be a lonely commitment to burn calories – Mosh will be there every step of the way to support your lifestyle. 

At Mosh, we are committed to helping you lose weight in a healthy and sustainable manner. Now is the time to build habits that will help you achieve and maintain a healthy weight. We are here to help you achieve the results you desire using science-backed programs and recommendations.

Whether you have questions like 'How many calories to eat to lose weight' or ‘How is body fat percentage calculated?’, you can consult a doctor who is ready to provide answers. 

Talk to us at Mosh.

8 References


Weight Loss

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