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How To Get Rid Of Belly Fat

By Mosh
Start Losing Weight
5 min read
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Key Takeaways

Although there is no evidence of targeted fat loss, regular exercise can help in losing total body fat, including belly fat. It is also important to make gradual lifestyle changes, manage sources of stress, adjust your diet and develop a healthy sleep schedule to help with fat loss.

Do you want to know how to get rid of belly fat, but you don’t know where to start? There are so many dieting options and workout routines that it can be hard to figure out which one is best for you. At Mosh, we can help you create sustainable and healthy long-term habits to burn belly fat and keep it off.

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What are the common steps to lose weight?

The typical methods to lose weight involve developing and sticking to a consistent and healthy lifestyle with proper diet and exercise while minimising unhealthy lifestyle habits.[1] There's no one-size-fits-all approach to losing weight, and what works for one person may not work for another. In order to find the habits and lifestyle that are effective for you and can lead to you achieving the results you want, you should consult a doctor.

Food and diet

It’s not only about eating fewer calories than you burn but also about consuming a nutritious and balanced diet. Whether you want to lose weight or are keen to know how to get rid of belly fat, it's essential to create an eating pattern that is sustainable, safe, and enjoyable for you. However, only dieting may not work long-term.[2]  Food and diet are not the only parts of how to lose weight quickly; to maintain your body weight and to keep belly fat off long-term, you should also incorporate regular exercise into your daily routine.


In order to maintain a healthy lifestyle, exercise should be a regular part of your daily routine most days of the week, if not all. You can incorporate physical activity into your daily routine by walking or cycling instead of driving to places and by taking the stairs rather than the lift. The key to getting rid of belly fat is to build healthy, sustainable habits.

Evidence-based treatments

It can be difficult to find evidence-based treatments that can answer your search for ‘how to get rid of belly fat’. Feel free to complete our quick online questionnaire if you are unsure where to start a weight loss program. Afterwards, a Mosh doctor will get in touch with you and help you understand the root causes of your belly fat and help you achieve the body you desire - be it with medical weight loss treatments, meal replacement shakes, or other coaching solutions.

Real People. Real Results

Angela beforeAngela after
Angela, 37WA
Program typeWeight loss medication
Weight Lost10kg
Results shown5 weeks
Joshua beforeJoshua after
Joshua, 43TAS
Program typeWeight loss medication
Weight Lost10kg
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David beforeDavid after
David, 38NSW
Program typeWeight loss medication
Weight Lost13kg
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Sallie beforeSallie after
Sallie, 48QLD
Program typeWeight loss medication
Weight Lost5kg
Results shown10 weeks

What types of exercises help get rid of belly fat?

Even though there’s no evidence for targeted fat loss to any body part, exercise is generally effective when combined with a good diet in helping you lose total body fat. In turn, this can help you lose belly fat.[3] So instead of focusing on ‘how to lose stomach fat’ it is generally recommended to incorporate exercises that build muscle and cardio-related exercises into your routine, such as: 

  • jogging or running;
  • Cycling;
  • strength training; 
  • weight training.

To maximise the effectiveness of your exercise and sustain weight loss long-term, it is recommended to engage in aerobic exercise for 300 to 420 minutes per week and anaerobic exercise for two days per week.[4] Moreover, you could improve the effectiveness of exercise by staying hydrated and eliminating soda and other sugary drinks from your diet. 

Although reducing body fat in a specific area, like the stomach, is not possible through exercise, it is certainly possible to build and tone muscles in specific parts of the body. So you may want to focus on ‘how to exercise to lose weight’ when you’re looking into exercises to get rid of belly fat. 

While knowing which exercises are effective in learning how to get rid of belly fat, it’s not an all-purpose solution to burning belly fat. Instead, it is also recommended to make gradual yet significant lifestyle changes that will keep excessive body fat off and promote a healthy and sustainable lifestyle. 

Some lifestyle changes that you can implement in your daily life that will help you lose weight and belly fat include:

  • limiting alcohol consumption;
  • adjusting your diet to avoid refined carbs and excess sodium;
  • quitting or limiting smoking; 
  • having a healthy sleep schedule and environment; and
  • managing your sources of stress.

If you’re unsure about anything at all, Mosh offers medical consultations so that you can easily and quickly talk to a doctor about your health concerns. Our doctors will be there every step of the way to support you and get you feeling confident about your face. If necessary, our doctors may even suggest certain medications or routines that will help you achieve your desired result. 

We will never force you to undergo any treatment plan or medication that you don’t feel comfortable with. After all, at Mosh, we want to bring you quality service that serves you for the unique person you are.

How much should I run to burn stomach fat?

It is recommended to run for at least thirty minutes most days of the week to lose weight and reduce total body fat.[5] However, to effectively burn belly fat, it is ideal to combine aerobic exercises like running or cycling with anaerobic exercises such as strength training, callisthenics, or weight training. Combining these two types of exercises encourages fat loss and promotes muscle growth, which can reduce the size of your waist and tone your abdominal muscles over time.

You don’t necessarily have to always run to burn stomach fat. There are other aerobic exercises that achieve similar results as running. Learning how to get rid of belly fat also means understanding what exercise would be most effective for your body and other factors.

You may find it difficult to run consistently throughout the week due to time constraints, medical conditions, or preferences. Moreover, not everyone may have the same access to safe and conducive areas for running. If you find it difficult to incorporate running or jogging into your daily routine, you may want to consider these other exercises for burning belly fat: 

  • cycling;
  • walking at a brisk pace;
  • swimming;
  • rowing;
  • jump rope;
  • jumping jacks; and
  • pilates.[6]

    While each of these exercises may be done at different intensities, it’s still best to engage in aerobic-related exercises for at least thirty minutes daily for them to be effective in weight loss. 

Whether you want to focus on learning how to run to lose weight or incorporate different aerobic exercises into your fitness routine, consulting a doctor is always a recommended course of action. 

With Mosh, our AHPRA-registered doctors can help you find the most effective exercises for your lifestyle and help you achieve the results that you want. They may help you better understand how to get rid of belly fat and what it could mean for your weight loss journey. Then, our doctors may even offer evidence-based recommendations based on what you tell us about your concerns.

You could be advised to make certain dietary changes or lifestyle changes to improve your health and tackle your main issue of belly fat. If necessary, they can even create a tailor-made weight loss program for you.

What foods should I avoid to lose tummy fat?

In general, it’s advised to avoid foods that are high in refined sugars, refined carbohydrates, sodium, and oil.[7] Instead of focusing on which food is good for weight loss, you should aim towards creating a balanced and nutritious diet. A diet that incorporates all five food groups in moderation and eliminates excessive amounts of alcohol, sugar, and sodium would result in weight loss and body fat loss over time. 

You may have certain food allergies or dietary restrictions due to a medical condition or cultural reason, so we encourage you to speak with your doctor or dietitian before radically changing your diet. 

Building a consistent and sustainable lifestyle takes time and effort. While it may be challenging to make and stick to changes at first, it does get easier and more natural over time. With Mosh, we’re committed to helping you get on the right track, so you know better how to get rid of belly fat and eliminate excess body fat.  

Body fat isn’t necessarily bad for you; it’s our body’s natural way of storing excess calories and energy long-term for when food is scarce. Learn what is a healthy body fat percentage and more at Mosh.

Let’s burn fat — the Mosh way

The key to making a difference in losing your belly fat is consistency.‌‌

At Mosh, we are committed to providing consistent quality service through our subscription service to help you build healthy, long-term, and sustainable habits that will help you achieve your desired goals. 

 If you have more questions concerning how to lose body fat, such as ‘how to lose body fat’ or ‘how to lose belly fat’, you can bring these up to your Mosh doctor, and they’ll guide you with tailored recommendations as opposed to a one-size-fits-all solution.

Take the first step to a healthier life with Mosh by your side. 

Talk to us today.

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