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How To Lose Body Fat

By Mosh
Start Losing Weight
5 min read
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Key Takeaways

To lose body fat, you need to focus on creating a calorie deficit and implementing healthy lifestyle habits. It's always a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian before making significant changes to your diet or exercise routine, especially if you have any underlying health conditions.

With summer beach days or festive gatherings just around the corner, it wouldn’t come as a surprise that you’d want to learn how to lose body fat. Don’t worry; a lot of Australian men spend time in front of the mirror wondering what they’d look like after losing a few kilos. In fact, online searches for how to decrease body fat, how to lose stomach fat, and how to lose weight quickly are at a steady incline. 

However, with heaps of websites claiming that they know the best way to lose body fat, it can be incredibly difficult to sift through what’s helpful and what’s not. For that reason, it’s important you only take reliable sources for weight loss information into account. 

Rather than making guesses and seeing what’s effective for your body, have all of the useful information easily presented to you. Don’t just settle for general advice given in open forums or in advertising marketplaces; to get scientifically-backed recommendations, look no further than our convenient service and intuitive telehealth platform at Mosh. 

Here, we have a hardworking team of AHPRA-registered doctors and nurse practitioners who can assist you in your personal weight loss treatment journey. We’ll give you all the respect you deserve as a patient, and to us, you’re never just another statistic.

Rest assured that the care given will be nothing but genuine, as our team is passionate about men’s health and your overall well-being. We can give you personalised advice about your health concerns, and if necessary, we can also provide you with medical weight loss treatments, diet coaching solutions, and meal replacement shakes.

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What are some examples of body fat burning exercises?

As someone who wants to know how to lose body fat, you’re probably keen on learning exercises that can get you shredded. To give you some great examples, let’s dive right into some cardio and weight-lifting workout options. 

Cardio exercises include:[1]

  • Skipping rope; 
  • Jumping jacks;
  • Mountain climbers; and
  • Sprints. 

It is important to remember that a cardio workout burns more calories during the session, but a weight-lifting workout burns more calories after the session (when you’re in a rested state). That’s why it would be best to do a combination of the two to get the most favourable results.[2] Additionally, sports that require cardio are also a good way to keep exercise fun. 

On the other hand, if you want to know how to lose body fat and build up lean muscle mass, then a weight-lifting workout is what you should be trying. Just keep in mind that beginners and seasoned veterans alike should focus on compound exercises as they work multiple muscle groups at the same time. This will ultimately save you some time that you could potentially use for cardio or other activities.

Weight-lifting or strength-training exercises include:[3]

  • Bench presses;
  • Squats;
  • Deadlifts;
  • Pull-ups; and
  • Shoulder presses.

Now that you have an idea of how to lose belly fat or general body fat through exercises, perhaps you’d want more tips, tricks, and advice for your specific situation. It can be difficult to keep yourself accountable, motivated, and, most importantly, informed. As such, it pays to get professional help to stay on track. 

With our Mosh doctors and 100% online setup, you can get personalised instructions on the fly. Whether you’re in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, or beyond, we’ll be able to contact you and give unlimited updates. Just reach out to us, and we’ll get back to you through video chats, phone calls, or even text message threads. 

Does cutting calories and sugar from my diet help with body fat loss?

If you’re not really an active person, then you probably want to know how to lose body fat without exercise. Not to worry, it’s completely possible, and it all boils down to cutting your calories and even your artificial sugar consumption. Just note that there are crucial guidelines for calorie deficits and the intake of certain macronutrients. 

  • Calorie deficit: A diet to lose body fat entails lowering the amount of food you eat. However, you shouldn’t overdo it, as crash dieting or not eating enough calories can cause your metabolism to slow down.[4] If this happens, you’ll have a harder time burning fat around your stomach and the rest of your body. 
  • Macronutrient intake: The truth is that eating sugary food or empty calories with no healthy macronutrients will make it difficult for your body to grow lean mass.[5] This, in turn, will impede the rate at which you lose weight, as developing your muscles enables you to burn more calories and fat.[6]

Sound too complicated for you to tackle alone? In that case, you’d be pleased to know that Mosh can teach you how to lose body fat and even recommend solutions like meal replacement shakes if necessary. Instead of spending time counting your calories and macronutrient split, everything’s made easier for you with a pre-prepared option you can drink at any time. Consult with our doctors and find out the most efficient way to burn fat for your body!

Are there scientific methods for reducing body fat?

Men all around the world have always been looking for easy fat loss options, and that’s why they can quickly jump on trends. Some of these fads have yet to even be fully researched and could also pose risks to your health. With this, it’s important to acknowledge that there are scientific methods that work and that following a plan based on this knowledge is the best way to lose weight

Knowing how to lose body fat has never been easier with the help of Mosh. We pride ourselves on giving patient-specific advice that will surely match your needs. The process is incredibly straightforward; all you have to do is open up our digital questionnaire, type down some details about your medical history, and then get science-based recommendations in no time.

This way, you won’t have to blindly dive into the fitness scene and follow fat-burning diets or routines on your own. Have peace of mind knowing that we at Mosh will teach you how to lose body fat through doctor-approved and scientifically-based strategies that cater to your unique lifestyle.

Your body and mind – a temple well taken care of by us at Mosh

Aside from answering questions like ‘How to lose body fat?’ ‘How many calories a day to lose weight?’ and even ‘What heart rate burns fat?’ our doctors can also assist you with other inquiries you might want to know more about or perhaps other health concerns you may be facing. 

The service we have here at Mosh is holistic and multifaceted, which means that you can come to us for just about anything related to men’s health. From physical conditions you’ve been struggling with all the way to mental disorders you’ve yet to bring up with anyone, you’ll surely get the suggestions you’ve been needing on our online platform. 

As mentioned, our process is discreet, so you won’t have to worry about speaking your mind. Simply go at a pace that’s comfortable for you and then bring everything up through our convenient channels. Just like with your weight loss concerns, we’ll be sure to lend you an open ear and give you advice on hair loss, skincare, mental health, and even erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation. 

No longer will you have to suffer in silence or handle everything alone. Allow us at Mosh to guide you every step of the way and help you achieve your personal goals. Come join our community today! 

6 References

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